Saturday, April 2, 2011

Just another Wednesday

So, it was just another Wednesday in our house and Emma had an itch to do a little spa treatment. She has been reading her "Daring Girl" book and found some recipes for do-it-yourself spa activities.

We opted for the avocado face mask and all of us girls participated. First, we made the goo. It consisted of avocado, honey and salt (I think). Regardless, it was a green gooey mess that we spread on each other's faces. We left it on for about 10 minutes and then very carefully, removed it over the kitchen sink. I really didn't want green chunks caught in the bathroom sinks! It left us with soft, glowing skin that the men were jealous of. OK. Maybe they weren't jealous, but our skin sure was soft and glowing!

Here are a few pics from our fun night:

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