Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fourth of July and Webelo Camp

Will ready for his first overnight alone
Sparkler fun
Notice Emma's festive blue eyeshadow!

We had a very different Fourth of July this year. Will's first Webelo camp started on the Fourth this year. As a result, both he and Allan left after lunch and our annual visitors decided to not come. That left me, Emma, Jack and Nana to celebrate our country's independence. Minus Will and Allan, I wasn't really in the celebrating mood.

So, I decided to be a slave driver instead! I put Nana to work and she and I painted (first coat) all eleven doors in the basement. There's a lot more to this story, but it is ugly and I really don't need to rehash it all. The bottom line is that the doors were painted and we didn't pay anyone to do it. I also need to add that I painted the second coat the next day after Nana returned to Ohio and then Allan put the knobs on after returning from Webelo camp. The basement is officially finished! (other than a few touch-ups that are needed).

OK, back to the story. After spending most of the day painting, we enjoyed a nice dinner on the deck and then headed to Tanglewood to watch the fireworks. We arrived just in time to watch the 20-minute show and then spent over an hour trying to get out of the park. I'm glad we went, but just like the rest of the day, it just wasn't right without Allan and Will.

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