Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas 2009

Happy Birthday, Jesus!
My Christmas cracker crown and prize
Nana and the birds
Our 3 little birds on Christmas Eve

Christmas this year was absolutely wonderful. We had snow and cold weather to put us in the mood and keep us all snuggly inside. We had Nana here. And we were all together - happy, healthy and having fun.

Will and Emma sang in the children's church choir on Christmas Eve. As always, it was a beautiful mass and as always, I just couldn't hold back the tears. I don't know what it is, but I get tears every year during the traditional Christmas songs. Christmas songs and "Party of Five". Tears every time.

After mass, we went to a party at the home of friends from church. This woman can cook, so it goes without say that everyone enjoyed themselves. Will even got a little extra attention from some girls at the party. Of course, he played it cool and acted as though he wasn't affected by the fact that girls were asking him into their room and leaving him notes. I have a whole other post for that subject!

As always, the kids left reindeer food out on the lawn and cookies and milk for Santa. Christmas morning came early, but later than usual (6:30-ish). Everyone was happy with Santa's choices: a bike for Will, camera for Emma and Hotwheels for Jack. The rest of the day was spent playing, lounging, playing, putting toys together, more playing and finally dinner. As has been our custom, we had English crackers to start the feast and all wore our crowns during the meal. We were so full from all of the food that we didn't even have Jesus' birthday cake until the next day! Even so, it was a yummy chocolate Italian creme cake and we all enjoyed it.
Happy Birthday, Jesus!

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