Thursday, April 30, 2009

Can you say RBI?

If you look very close (or zoom in) you can see Will, #6 sliding into home plate!
The happy ball player

Will sure can!  He actually got three at his last baseball game!  We were so proud of him.  And of course, I was the lunatic mom who was screaming her head off in excitement.  
Something just clicked at his last game and he did an awesome job at the plate. And believe it or not, he didn't do any disco moves when he got to first base like he did last year.  HA!  Great job, Willster!


Steve and Sharon said...

Good Job Will! This brings back a lot of good memories of all of the kids playing baseball and softball. We hope you have a lot of fun!

Love, Aunt Sharon and Uncle Steve

Unknown said...

Congrats to Will!

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